On-Demand Classes

Laurel Van Matre and Melissa Joy Schoeller are stoked to offer GYPSET Midwest Yoga classes virtually! Now, you lucky ducks can take classes with us wherever and whenever you like. We will be uploading new classes weekly so be sure to check back often. You get to choose from: vinyasa, alignment based vinyasa, ashtanga, yin, restorative, workshops, cycle, barre, HIIT and strength training.

And hey, if you can’t make it your dream yoga retreat with us you can still take classes with us recorded on location at beautiful destinations all over the world.

And one more thing, you will be supporting two women entrepreneurs and get to be a part of the awesome community of yogis and all around great humans that continues to build around their classes, studio and retreats.

Once the studio opens you will have the option to live-stream too. All good things guys.

On-demand classes

Click any class below to purchase on a drop-in basis, or